Saturday, March 14, 2015

[Musing] The Little Things That Put A Smile On Us

Beautiful it is to share our love and thoughts even if the distance presents itself upon us, on such a Saturday. Some things, such as this one, can be planned while a bigger part of us secretly believe, the rest in life is quite beyond us. Life seems to unfold itself and we will just have to, go with it.

It is like coming up with a blog post. We are usually inspired by a certain visual we come across, or that particular emotion we feel, deriving from that. They are not planned plan in some ways. They just... happen. It is not to say, we take a passive approach towards things in life (we are but a control freak, as much as we refuse to admit, most of the time *_^), it is just that at times, the feeling of losing control can be a welcoming thought to entertain. Don't you think? 

We try and learn to appreciate the little things in life, though happiness rarely attach itself to "worldly things", we feel, but rather the state of mind we will ourselves to be in (which we are still hard at learning, honestly). Nonetheless, appreciating beauty in all things, looking at them, from a rather surreal perspective, do give us that sense of happiness. Not too sure if we are making any sense.

Blogging has also allow us the time to create and share our emotions and feelings, though most of the time, it is a great deal of hard work, effort and time invested, yet, it also gives us that indescribable kind of happiness. Perhaps it has to do with writing. Writing has always been our love, from the very beginning. Maybe it has to do  with the emotional connection that we get by putting across beauty in life, to the world.

We wonder, on such a Saturday, what are the little things in life now, that put a smile on your beautiful face? Does blogging make you happy, in some ways, like us? We sincerely hope so. The week ahead can be enveloped with a little silence from our end, but hey, who knows, there may be surprises that creep up ever so quietly upon us, right? We will never know... we are feeling like listening to this ballad from Malaysian award-winning singer, 张起政 singing this beautiful number entitled "Having Said I Love You" (picture shown here is not the singer *_^). Music makes us really happy too!

Enjoy your day and be luminously happy always, lovelies *_^ All visuals via LUMI's Pinterest here.

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  1. Oh yes photography can be very inspiring! And thanks for the shout out, I didn't actually take the photo just featured it on my blog for the company Artifact Uprising. They make GREAT things and offer a wonderful service.

    Allie of ALLIE NYC

    1. Hi Allie,

      Good to know about that, but anyways, I credited the picture to your blog since I got it from there. Yes, their stuff are awesome indeed!

      Thanks for dropping by to say hi, my friend.


  2. Hi lovely, great post, I love blogging but most of it, I love the fact I can meet amazing people who share the same passion and love for beautiful things in life and beyond, you inspired me everytime i read your beautiful written post!
    Thank you, I fell I can call you my friend, and this make me really happy!. xx

    1. Hi Arely,

      I am always honoured and feel humbled by your words of encouragement! Yes, we are truly blessed that blogging has brought us closer together by sharing what we love, together. Many more good things to come our ways.

      Glad to see you here, time and time again!



Thanks so much for dropping by and say hi. Love to hear your thoughts and will read them all! See you again *_^

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